To Wii or not to Wii, that is the question.

Although the gym is a great place to work out and keep motivated, it just isn’t realistic for all of us. As a full-time working Mom I had always blow

wii exercise

To Wii or not to Wii

n off the notion of working out because I was too busy. Until recently. Once I started my healthy life journal and became more concious of what I was putting into my body I also became more interested in exercise as an additional health benefit. Since going to the gym was just not an option I turned to different types of exercise I could do at home. In the morning, or after dinner.

The Wii was the obvious first solution. I have tried several of the different “games” available on the market. First the Wii Fit which although it did make you sweat (if you did it right) it became boring. As did Jillians workout. Too repetitive and it was very easy to lose interest after a week or so.

My workout routine quickly became several night a week Just Dance contests with my 8 year old. Which made me get up off the couch, gave us quality time together, and I started feeling more energetic than before. I also began the Active Wii Fit 30 day challenge in the mornings. The Active program proved to be what worked for me. It switches up the exercises from cardio to upper and lower body exercises in a way that keeps you motivated and actually WANTING to exercise more. This I had definately not experienced before. After my first 30 days, in combination with healthier eating and journal logging I had lost 10 miraculous pounds. I did the medium level the first 30 day challenge and I am excited to start the higher level for my next 30 day challenge which starts…. now!

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